Micromanage the micromanager

What gains in drops but is lost in buckets? 💦

Aside from the value of the peloton shares I purchased in lock down 🙈 it’s TRUST 👊

Trust is a foundational element of great cultures. When trust doesn’t exist it can be for a plethora of reasons (but we don’t need to get into the trauma that causes it now). I want to talk about how to handle it if you’re in it first

Could you micromanage the micromanager, upwards? And micromanage the micromanager when they micromanage you?

The golden rule in life is treat other as you wish to be treated… the platinum rule in life is treat others as they want to be treated. So if they want it, give it to them

If you are being micromanaged, earn those drops by giving them everything for a while and meeting them where they want to be. Over-communicate, check in on minute details (but don’t be facetious), give them what they need to get your platinum card 💳

Those drops of activity can fill a trust bucket like a Glaswegian watering can on April 1st, and the micromanager can start to release the reins when they understand they will get what they need from you

Trying to make them change only comes from showing them they can - not telling them

But soz, this is not a fast process 🐌

After you’ve filled a trust bucket with them, have a conversation about it, ask with empathy about the reasons they’ve needed high levels of control and information, you might find out something that makes both of your lives easier in the future, and clear the path for higher performance 🚀 

Get in touch to talk about how to build your cultures into the ones that get results that compound because it’s built on trust 📈


Slip into Kate Moss’s dress to builD trust


Hunter S Thompson the Oracle